34th Hunger Games Fanon Wiki

The Victor's Graveyard is where victors, of the Hunger Games, are buried after their death or where their memorial is. The family of the victor can go to the Capitol any time to visit their grave or memorial. After the Victor's Purge, all the victors that had been killed, were all buried in the Victor's Graveyard. Some victors however got cremated and their memorial was set up. Before the events of the The 75th Hunger Games, 24 victors had already have their graveyard or memorial there. Currently , 69 victors are buried in the Victors Graveyard or have been cremated and have their memorial set up.

All Victors currently in the Victors Graveyard[]

  1. Fir Yule
  2. Baron Overwhill
  3. Gliese Dugald
  4. Wolfmark Redpath
  5. Rummage Lorman
  6. Tressa Spectral
  7. Orchid Edenthew
  8. Soren Galloway
  9. Savera Inchcape
  10. ??
  11. Mags Flanagan
  12. Jago Potshore
  13. Mizar Aldjoy
  14. Raff Lockhearst
  15. Ivo Lockhearst
  16. Fallstreak Ivory
  17. Woof Casino