34th Hunger Games Fanon Wiki

“This beautiful district is lush with trees, from which these citizens supply our lumber and paper. The people of District 7 are hardworking and down-to-earth.”

-Description from the Hunger Games: Tribute Guide

District 7[]

District 7’s main export it is centered around is wood and lumber. Situated in what is present-day Cascadia, Alberta, parts of Saskatchewan, Montana, and Washington State, this district is a vicinity filled and known for its abundance of trees, District 7 citizens makes their living off of tree harvesting and lumber transporting, which is then shipped off to the Capitol to use for their own construction purposes. It is assumed because of the strength and endurance needed to chop and harvest wood, this is what makes District 7 citizens resilient and determined.


  • Lumber Jack
  • Load Puller
  • Carrier
  • Lead Climber
  • Furniture Builder
  • Carpenter

