34th Hunger Games Fanon Wiki

"Brutus, a volunteer from District 2, who must be at least forty and apparently can't wait to get back in the arena. "

-Katniss talking about Brutus in Catching Fire

Brutus Gunn is the victor of The 46th Hunger Games at the age of 16. He is from District 2, and volunteered to be in The 75th Hunger Games, since he couldn't wait to to be back in the arena again. He was a career in both Games. However, he died in the 75th Games, and was the last one to die.

Source: https://the-66th-hunger-games.wikia.com/wiki/The_48th_Hunger_Games

Pre Games[]

Brutus volunteered as usual and walked proudly to the Justice building. When the female tribute was reaped a girl named Agatha volunteered. Brutus did know her as they trained together. Their escort was Juel Yoman. As Brutus walked in the Justice building he met his father and mother who were supportive of his actions and wanted him to be careful. His older sister and younger brother would miss Brutus a lot. When Brutus and Agatha entered the train they met their mentors Berglind Jonsdottir and Magnus Sterlingshire. Brutus got mentored by Magnus in which he knew as Magnus trained him back in District 2.

When the pair reached the Capitol he met his stylist team. Alexia, a girl with almost pink with everything, Flamsteed, a skinny man with dark blue hair, Palm, a girl with orange hair and pink nails. During the tribute parade Brutus and Agatha wore police officer outfits with fake guns and weapons. Brutus liked his outfit. Brutus and Agatha were met by the pair from 4, Muriel and Brooks. Brutus didn't get the time to meet with the pair from 1 as he was very tired.


During training Brutus now met the pair from 1, Leon and Thalassa. Brutus usually worked on the weapon stations and showed off his spear skills infront of the gamemakers. Brutus did laugh at the other tributes when his fellow careers made fun of them.

During the last day of training Brutus really showed off his skills.. Brutus got a score of 10 which was very good. Agatha got a score of 9 which was also very good.


His stylists made Brutus look very handsome. During his interview Brutus was very talkative with Julius Flickerman. Brutus showed his passion for the Hunger Games even mocking some of the other tributes.

46th Games[]

The arena was a Savannah. During the bloodbath Brutus wasn't scared and was the first one to the cornucopia. Brutus killed 3 tributes whilst trying to look for his fellow careers. Brutus killed 2 more tributes after that. He in a total killed 5 tributes, the girl from 3, the boy from 5, the girl from 7, the boy from 8, and the girl from 12.

During the night the careers told Brutus they were going hunting for some tributes and invited him to come. However, Brutus declined saying that he should stand guard for camp. The careers told Brutus and Agatha they had killed 2 tributes the boy from 3 and the boy from 12. During day 2 not much happened other than Brutus killing the boy from 6.

On day 4 nothing really happened. On day 5 there was only 7 tributes remaining and the careers split up. During day 5 a horrible sandstorm happened in which he got separated from the careers. However he had got lost and couldn't find them. During day 6 the boy from 9 attacked Brutus and he was dropped right before the boy from 9 could kill Brutus, Agatha got in the way taking the knife. Brutus was so shocked and in her last moments she told Brutus to win the games. Brutus then beat the boy from 9 to death.

On day 5 some careers died due to a big elephant attack. On day 6 he threw a spear right into the heart of the boy from 11.

On day 6 the only remaining people left was Brooks and Muriel. He attacked and killed Muriel. When it was him and Brooks they were chased by all sorts of Savanna animal mutts until they stopped. Brutus then grabbed Brooks and kicked him. Brooks returned the favor by punching him in the face. As this battle went on Brutus was about to lose, until he remembered Agatha. Brutus got up and beat the boy from 4. Then he threw him in the mutts killing him and crowning Brutus the victor.

Post Games[]

As Brutus was escorted back to the Capitol his ride with Magnus Sterlingshire and Berglind Jonsdottir was very awkward and quiet. When Brutus got back his style team was so happy that he won. When he had his final interview with Julius Flickerman he was forced to watch the games again. Brutus enjoyed watching the games again. Julius later asked Brutus if he loved the Hunger Games, Brutus yelled yes. After the interview Brutus meets many other victors like Scorpii Inchcape, Seeder Howell, Jago Potshore, Thorburn Chlodowech, Haden locke, Eero Nitva and many others. It gets very awkward when he meets Daniel Bernhardt as he was the mentor of the boy from 9 he beat so badly. Brutus after this becomes so brutal. However he cannot wait to get back in the games.

Back in District 2[]

As Brutus returns to District 2, the district welcomes him especially his family who are ecstatic he is back. He then becomes an instructor at the District 2 academy

75th Games[]

During this year, it is previously said that he couldn't wait to to be back in the arena again. Peeta also makes friends with him. During training, he is seen using a spear. It is mentioned that his training score was very high. Brutus stood next to James Logan and Katniss Everdeen on his pedestal. When running to the cornucopia, Katniss tries to shoot an arrow at him, but uses his flotation device as a shield, and gets liquid all over his face. He dives back in the water, only to attack more tributes when entering the bloodbath. During this time, he killed Marian and Woof Casino. He allies with the careers, as expected.

On day 2, him and the other careers attack Katniss's alliance. He fights with Finnick, and doesn't get injured, but is caught off guard when the cornucopia spins. He is seen later chasing Johanna and Katniss on the last day of the Games, until she stumbles upon Katnisss, who is injured. He thinks that she's as god as dead, so he ignores her and tries to catch Johanna. After this, he runs into Chaff, in which he kills. Because of this, Peeta killed Brutus himself out of anger.


When District 13 broke in the Capitol to save the remaining victors held hostage, his name was seen on a black pillar, along with his other victors from 2.


  • He is one of the only people in the 75th Games to get a high score.
  • As you may have guessed, the name is a Roman cognomen meaning "heavy" in Latin.
  • His age was shown in a Catching Fire booklet, saying that his age was 45. This means he probably won the 36th-49th games.